hiker looking at the mountains

Hiking is a wonderful way to experience the outdoors and stay active, while chiropractic care helps ensure your body is in optimal condition to take on physical challenges. Combining these two can lead to a more enjoyable and injury-free hiking experience. Here’s how to prepare for your hike safely with the support of chiropractic care by Dr Olson or me.

(By the way, if you would to read a wonderful and very funny book on hiking, may I recommend Bill Bryson’s, ‘A Walk in the Woods ‘. It is a precautionary tale on how to do most things wrong on a hike as Bryson recounts his walking partner’s preparatory choices and trail actions. Whatever Steven Katz does is a recipe for disaster. You’ll be shaking your head in wonderment.)

1. Preparing for Your Hike

Research and Plan Your Route:

  • Select a trail that matches your fitness level and experience.
  • Study the trail map and note key landmarks and potential hazards.
  • Check the weather forecast and be prepared for changes.

Gear Up with the Right Equipment:

  • Wear moisture-wicking, breathable clothing and dress in layers.
  • Invest in sturdy, supportive hiking boots or shoes.
  • Choose a comfortable backpack with enough space for your essentials.

Pack the Essentials:

  • Navigation tools: map, compass, or GPS device.
  • Hydration: plenty of water or a hydration bladder.
  • Nutrition: high-energy snacks like nuts, dried fruits, and energy bars.
  • First aid kit: bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and personal medications.
  • Safety items: whistle, multi-tool, flashlight or headlamp, and extra batteries.
  • Sun protection: sunscreen, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat.

Inform and Prepare:

  • Tell someone about your hiking plans, including your route and expected return time.
  • Hike with a partner or group whenever possible.
  • If hiking alone, ensure someone knows your location and check-in times.

2. Integrating Chiropractic Care Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Hikers

  • Improved Mobility: Chiropractic adjustments can enhance joint flexibility, making it easier to tackle uneven terrains and steep inclines.
  • Injury Prevention: Your Regular adjustments help maintain proper alignment, reducing the risk of strains and sprains.
  • Pain Relief: Dr Olson and I can address back pain, neck pain, and other discomforts that might hinder your hiking experience.
  • Enhanced Recovery: Your Chiropractic care aids in quicker recovery post-hike by reducing muscle tension and promoting healing.  

Pre-Hike Chiropractic Preparation:

  • Assessment: Consult Dr Olson or myself for a full assessment of your spine, joints, and muscles. This ensures you are in good condition to handle the physical demands of hiking.
  • Adjustments: Your Regular adjustments can correct any misalignments and improve your body's overall function.
  • Strengthening Exercises: Dr Olson and I may recommend specific exercises to strengthen core muscles, improving stability and balance during your hike.
  • Stretching Routines: Incorporate stretching routines suggested by us to enhance flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.

3. On the Trail

Pace Yourself:

  • Start with a comfortable pace and gradually increase as you warm up.
  • Take regular breaks to rest, hydrate, and enjoy the scenery.

Stay on Marked Trails:

  • Follow trail markers and avoid shortcuts to minimize the risk of getting lost.
  • Don’t hike late. It gets dark under the forest canopy earlier. (Yes, I did this once. Scary)
  • Respect trail closures and signage.

Leave No Trace:

  • Pack out all trash and leave the natural environment as you found it. (I see more trash even on the Grouse Grind. Not nice)
  • Be mindful of wildlife and avoid disturbing their habitats.
  • Depending on where you are hiking, consider taking Bear Repellant as there appear to be more interactions with our fellow North Shore cohabitants. (My wife and I encountered our local ‘Smokey ‘ just outside the front door last year. Thank you ring cameras…)

Stay Aware:

  • Keep an eye on your surroundings and watch for trail markers.
  • Monitor weather conditions and be prepared to turn back if necessary.

4. Post-Hike Recovery with Chiropractic Care

Cool Down and Stretch:

  • After your hike, take time to cool down and stretch to reduce muscle stiffness and promote flexibility.
  • Don’t go for that post-hike drinks /food in wet clothing. Change into dry clothing as soon as you finish your hike.  Same recommendation that I give to golfers by the way.

Hydrate and Nourish:

  • Replenish fluids and consume a balanced meal to aid in recovery.

Chiropractic Follow-Up:

  • Schedule a post-hike visit with Dr Olson or myself to address any discomfort or misalignments that may have occurred during the hike.
  • Your Regular adjustments and care can help maintain your overall health and readiness for future hiking adventures.


Combining proper hiking preparation with regular chiropractic care can significantly enhance your hiking experience. By following these guidelines, you’ll be well-equipped to enjoy the great outdoors safely and comfortably. Happy hiking, and stay aligned!


Dr. Christopher Walker

Dr. Christopher Walker

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